Monday, January 19, 2009

If You're Happy And You Know It.......Tell Everybody!

Oh my GOODNESS! What an AmAzInG day. Nothing extraordinary happened, but what a great day! First of all, Cameron was home ALL day because he passed his test on Friday so he gets today off.

We started the day by sleeping in (Well, as much sleeping in as one can get with a 2 year old and 3 month old).

Then while I was getting ready for the day, my sweet husband picked up the house. We left for Walmart (needed milk!!!) and while there, we bought a year's worth of one meal for our food storage....and we spent less than our food storage monthly allowance! I LOVE it when I spend less than I expected. So, happy feel-goods for that! Then we tracted down a Walgreen's that will let Cam work for FREE in the summer time! Yep, more happy feel-goods from Cam.
We picked up some Sonic (Limeades...yum...that's all I'm gonna say) and went to a park. Brayden loves to slide. Because of the cold, we usually take him to Arctic Circle's slides. However, today was a B E A Utiful day. So to the park we went. Seeing my children having fun = happy feel-goods.

(Yes...this is Aydrie's type of fun)

Also, watching my studly husband be a kid with my kids = complete happiness!

I LOVE this guy SOOOO much! No...he is not sleeping on my cheek..that's a juicy kiss.

After the park, it was nap time for the kids and P90X time for Cam and I. WHAT A WORKOUT...and as you probably know, exercising = more feel-goods. Cam made an awesome HEALTHY dinner while I prepared for Family Night. And for Family Night we were uplifted with stories of peach trees, made our own paper peach tree, and then for dessert (and NO - this is NOT the most important part of Family Night) we had peaches! (FHE came from January Ensign...LOVE LOVE LOVE this magazine).

So being spiritual with Fam = you guessed it, more feel-goods! We wrapped up the night by doing dishes and Cam played basketball with friends in American Fork. We'll see how he did when he gets home.

Yep, a HAPPY day! Hope you have a happy day soon!


Becky said...

Cute! Besides just being a fun day full of "feel goods" it sounded like you were really productive, too!

Amy said...

I love happy days. Thanks for sharing.

Our Family said...

how fun wish we could have been there like we thought we could but... well yes you guessed it gotta be careful. I'm actually thinking that Brayden is just an excuse to not hang out lol :) jk


Oh I want a day like that. I'm very jealous.

Blackham Family said...

How fun. I love days like that.