Thursday, February 26, 2009

P90X Update

We are on day 55...Almost 2 months into this workout.

Only 35 days left!

We HATE it...but we LOVE it...really and truly.

I have yet to do a pull-up...just ONE lousy pull-up...that's all I want...But, I haven't thrown in the towel...yet. As I stare at that bar in my doorway day after day after day, I know ONE OF THESE DAYS (hopefully in the very near future) I will get up there! Don't worry - ALL OF YOU will know when I get my chin above that so-very-far-off-the-ground bar! I can't wait for that day.....

We are seeing changes:

Cam looks more and more like a CHISELED ROCK every day...

Cam's pull-up/push-up range has INCREASED and continues to do so. (IMPRESSIVE - but it makes my blood BOIL...)

Cam is less tired during the day...His teachers are now seeing more of his beautiful eyeballs instead of his eyelids.

Okay, okay...I am also seeing some changes:
I can now hold myself up in those CRAZY Yoga twists and stances...well, most of them...

I look more and more like a chiseled piece of play-dough every day...

I ran two miles the other day...and it wasn't very hard...
My heart wears a BIG smile! (For those of you who run 12 to 29 miles a day...I envy you.....YES I DO!)

Really, we are benefiting from daily exercise.

And the best part, like I've said before, is doing this with my very impressive, rock-chisely, effortless push-up/pull-up doer, HOTT Man of mine...

(Look how his whole upper body takes up the entire picture....)

Brayden and Aydrie also participate...always doing their part:
Aydrie laughing as her mom hangs helplessly from the pull-up bar...

Chiseled Rock and Itty-bitty Chiseled Rock Jr.
(Brayden joins in many of our work-outs)

See that large bulge popping out of my arm? That's called a BICEP...Want one? A lot of hard work and chocolate will get you a BICEP!

Once again, these are our BICEPS that we are trying to show off....a little difficult if you can't reach them.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Genes

What do you think?

Are these two good-looking, so-cute-I-want-to-pinch-the-cheeks, little people RELATED OR WHAT?

What can I say........they come from good genes....ha ha ha

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love Poem

Cam's pick from the Love Jar was to write a love poem.
This is what he surprised me with...

To my love, BreAnn...

Let me count the ways I love you.

I love your eyes so deep and blue.
They remind me of the summer dew.

I love your smile-it lights up my day.
Just like the sun on the golden hay.

I love your kindness that you show to me.
It makes me feel full of laughter, you see.

I love how you mother my children with love so patiently.
It makes me feel blessed that I will be with you for eternity.

I love how you are my best friend.
I'm glad that that will never end.

I love lying with you in my arms,
You are so full of sexy charms.

I love that you are my wife.
I am glad that you are with me for life.

There are many things I love about you.
But if I said them all, it would add up to two hundred billion and two.

The last thing I will say
Is I love your smokin' hott boday.

Your Cameron

Well, there you have it...
I'm thinking maybe Cam should quit pharmacy school and become a writer!

I LOVE this guy so much! How blessed I am to have him!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Future Picasso

I didn't want to brag...but I couldn't resist...

Here's some great news...

Hold onto your shorts 'cause this is AWESOME!


INTRODUCING....Mr. Picasso Jr.

We have discovered Brayden's new talent...

We were BLOWN away I tell ya, BLOWN AWAY!!!

We didn't even know he had it in him.

I mean, look at the detail in this drawing....and he wasn't even using a mirror!

WOW!!!....That's all I'm going to say...

(You may be asking yourself, 'Where does he get such artistic ability from?'...let me tell you... just a little secret between us, I'm quite talented in the art department...)


We're so PROUD!

(He's gonna be famous one day...)

-Cam claims that our little artist was NOT being chaperoned while completing his work of art.

Just because Cam arrived home from school and walked into the house as Brayden was in the middle of drawing, and I, of course, was blog-stocking...

...doesn't mean that I wasn't keeping a close eye on the little guy. OH NO! I knew what was going on....

After all, I don't want to squash my child's creativity!

NOPE, I don't!

***Just so you know...any of you nice people who are interested, autographs will be signed as soon as Brayden masters his fine motor skills and learns how to hold and use a writing utensil correctly.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Our Valentine's Day turned into a Valentine's Weekend.
This is how it went:

Thursday - Cam surprises me with some SEXY witch boots...I'll have to post pictures later...but believe me, SEXXXYYYY!

Friday - Cam worked. I make home-made Oreo cookies...double the batch = 4 hours of creation!

I made a little surprise treasure hunt for Cam. Clever (if I don't say so myself!!) clues had Cam unscrambling cookie letters into this:

And enjoying his GINORMOUS 5 pound cookie...

And other FUN that won't be mentioned.

Saturday - We enjoyed a few hours at the Food Storage Cannery...I absolutely LOVED it...can't wait to go back.

Later, we went to Sterling and partied with my family until Monday.

Lovely times all weekend = A Happy Valentines Weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Accomplished Smarties!

Meet Lightning McQueen.

Mr. McQueen has successfully made it through the day DRY!

Frankenstein, Elmo, and Mr. Jack-O'-Lantern were not so lucky.

To celebrate.....Smarties for our little Smartie!

In OTHER news...

Happy 4 months to Aydrie! Check out her accomplishments:

*Her 'talking' consists of high-pitched squeals.

*She eats and eats and eats...and eats some more. Her milk source is having a hard time keeping up...

*She giggles, especially when tickled or repetitively coaxed to do so. (I don't know about you, but my ears believe the BEST SOUND IN THE WHOLE WORLD is a baby's giggles.)

*She focuses on and is interested in her toys that hang above her in her bouncy chair.

*When talked to, Aydrie drops her chin to her chest and smiles shyly.

*She loves it when Brayden talks to her.

*She lifts her head up really well.

***So many more, but that will do.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tough...Real Tough

Last night was tough.

Real tough.

Last night tried my patience.

Last night made me cry.

This is how last night went:

8:25 - Give Brayden his before-bed drink of milk, brush and floss his teeth, he goes potty, PJ's, prayers, sing songs,kisses and hugs, lights out.

8:39 - Nurse crying Aydrie - she's not interested and falls asleep - YEAH! BOTH kids in bed early = alone time with my sweetie (sweetie is at work, returns home at 9:30)So, alone time for me to do blog-stocking! Yeah again!

9:00 - Brayden cries - wants to play with his train set. I say no, sing another song, lights out.

9:10 - Brayden cries - wants a drink of water. I get him a drink of water, sing another song, lights out.

9:20 - Aydrie cries - is wide awake, but not happy. I put her binky in her mouth, lights out.

9:25 - Brayden cries - wants a drink of milk - I say no, (brushed teeth = no milk), sing a song, lights out.

9:27 - Aydrie cries - I pick her up and rock her.

9:30 - Brayden cries - put Aydrie down, she starts to scream - Brayden wants a drink of water - I say no - just had a drink of water, sing a song, lights out.

9:32 - Pick up screaming baby. Try to rock her. She arches her back, squeezes her hands into tight little fists and shakes them, screams some more - doesn't want to be cuddled. Try to stand and bounce with her. Continues screaming.

9:45 - Sweetie walks in the door. He runs to see me. I break down and sob - put Aydrie down and plop myself on the couch and continue sobbing. Sweetie picks up screaming Aydrie. Brayden hears his daddy, flies out of his bedroom door and screams 'daddy!' - then starts playing with his toys. I grab his hand and march him back to bed. Then back to the couch I go - and continue crying.

9:50 - Brayden and Aydrie crying/screaming. Sweetie gives Brayden a drink of water, sings him a song, (all the while holding and trying to calm Aydrie), lights out. I'm still on the couch with head in hands.

9:55 - Sweetie successfully bottle-feeds Aydrie and puts her to sleep. I pump a lousy 1.5 ounces!

10:04 - I scream "I"M A BAD MOTHER!"

10:05 - Sweetie gives me a hug and wipes away my crocodile tears.

10:10 - Sweetie pulls surprises out of his walmart bag. He creates a candle-light/lava lamp dinner. (while giving me a list of reasons why he knows I'm a good mother)

10:15 - We enjoy our candle-light/lava lamp dinner and then snuggle on the red tomato where I fall asleep in his arms and he watches 'IGOR' - movie from Red Box.

Yah - last night was tough - real tough

But...Do you know what? IT'S ALL WORTH IT- especially when you have a Sweetie like mine that makes all the crying and screaming coming from EVERYBODY go away.

It's all worth it because when you have a Sweetie like mine, life isn't as hard.

When you have a Sweetie like mine, I can keep on, the next day, and the next, and maybe the next day after that...

(Oh... did I mention that Sweetie has a extremely hard test this Friday and he's swimming in stress-land and feeling hopelessly overwhelmed because of it...)

Sweetie's actions last night = Love, TRUE Love!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


FEAST YOUR EYES on what we created last night for Family Home Evening:

Each of us now don some COLORFUL Bling-Bling...

This exquisite jewelry is called RJB.

RJB stands for 'Remember Jesus Bracelet.'

When we wear our Blingity-Bling, we are reminded to be GOOD people and make GOOD choices.

My Family = My Life



Monday, February 9, 2009

You KNOW when...

You know it's time to start using one of these...

When your 2.5 year old wakes up in the morning with a bare bottom and does something like this:

Here we go...time to tread down the well-worn path of...


oh YIPEE!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The LOVE Jar

Let me introduce you to...

The LOVE Jar

This snazzy piece of art was created in Family Night last week.

It holds romancey honey-do's that Cam and I created and SECRETLY do for one another EVERY day.

Romancey honey-do's like writing a secret love note, giving a massage, putting the children to bed......etc...


Just keepin' the LOVE a-growin' and a-flowin' baby!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


8 Things I'm Passionate About:
1. My sweetheart, Cameron
2. Brayden and Aydrie
3. The Gospel
4. Family
5. Food storage
6. Being a mother
7. Creating/trying new things (weather it be a new recipe/crafty stuff...)
8. Volleyball

8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
1. Do you want to go to bed? (this is directed at Brayden when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. Works like a charm!)
2. I love you
3. Make sense?
4. Are you listening to me? (directed at Cam when he is not LOOKING at me when I'm talking to him...something I need to get over)
5. That's funny
6. What do you want to eat?
7. How's my pretty girl? (to Aydrie)
8. You're a good boy (said to Brayden every night after prayers)

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Be out of debt
2. Have a complete food storage, plus some.
3. Visit somewhere far away (don't know where).
4. Raise happy, righteous children.
5. Be confident/happy with me
6. Vacation
7. Visit San Diego and Washington DC temples
8. Make a big difference in a person's life.

8 Things I Want/Need:
1. To be a fun, creative mom.
2. A hair cut...maybe a different hair-do
3. Money to spend on more food storage
4. Be able to do some pull-ups (ONE DAY I WILL!)
5. No desire to eat chocolate/treats.
6. Brayden to be potty trained.
7. Go on a vacation with Cam
8. New ideas on fun things to create/do.

8 Things I Have Learned From The Past:
1. It doesn't matter what others think about you (I'm still learning this one.)
2. Doing what's right really does bring happiness.
3. It's not material possessions that are's the people in your life.
4. Trials are actually blessings in disguise.
5. Eating a TON of treats at one time can make you feel really sick and also get rid of your treat-cravings for a couple of days.
6. Don't worry so much...
7. Enjoy the moment/time in your life. It won't be there forever.
8. Mom's know EVERYTHING....while you're living with your mom, learn as much from her as you can!

8 Restaurants I Love:
1. Olive Garden
2. Pizza Hut
3. ...Besides these two, I don't have any more favorites. I generally like eating out where ever

8 Shows I Love To Watch:
1. Bachelor (This is the only one we consistently watch...and we watch it on the computer a day or two after it's been shown on TV...we really don't watch much TV)
2. Used to watch 'What I Like About You' but now that I've seen them all, I'm not interested anymore.
3. I like watching shows that try to sell you stuff...
4. Volleyball games
5. Romantic/cheesy shows on the Hallmark (spelling?) channel
6. Not really into anything else...and don't have time.

8 People I Tag:
1. Kasha
2. Lisa
3. Arleen
4. Chamrie
5. Amy
6. Jeri
7. Reesa
8. anyone else who hasn't already done this

Monday, February 2, 2009

Here We Are...

Here we are...

Ready to enjoy a great day at Stake Conference!

(...and we still have 3 minutes to get there...not late yet!)

KISSES to you all!

Have a HAPPY day....