Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tough...Real Tough

Last night was tough.

Real tough.

Last night tried my patience.

Last night made me cry.

This is how last night went:

8:25 - Give Brayden his before-bed drink of milk, brush and floss his teeth, he goes potty, PJ's, prayers, sing songs,kisses and hugs, lights out.

8:39 - Nurse crying Aydrie - she's not interested and falls asleep - YEAH! BOTH kids in bed early = alone time with my sweetie (sweetie is at work, returns home at 9:30)So, alone time for me to do blog-stocking! Yeah again!

9:00 - Brayden cries - wants to play with his train set. I say no, sing another song, lights out.

9:10 - Brayden cries - wants a drink of water. I get him a drink of water, sing another song, lights out.

9:20 - Aydrie cries - is wide awake, but not happy. I put her binky in her mouth, lights out.

9:25 - Brayden cries - wants a drink of milk - I say no, (brushed teeth = no milk), sing a song, lights out.

9:27 - Aydrie cries - I pick her up and rock her.

9:30 - Brayden cries - put Aydrie down, she starts to scream - Brayden wants a drink of water - I say no - just had a drink of water, sing a song, lights out.

9:32 - Pick up screaming baby. Try to rock her. She arches her back, squeezes her hands into tight little fists and shakes them, screams some more - doesn't want to be cuddled. Try to stand and bounce with her. Continues screaming.

9:45 - Sweetie walks in the door. He runs to see me. I break down and sob - put Aydrie down and plop myself on the couch and continue sobbing. Sweetie picks up screaming Aydrie. Brayden hears his daddy, flies out of his bedroom door and screams 'daddy!' - then starts playing with his toys. I grab his hand and march him back to bed. Then back to the couch I go - and continue crying.

9:50 - Brayden and Aydrie crying/screaming. Sweetie gives Brayden a drink of water, sings him a song, (all the while holding and trying to calm Aydrie), lights out. I'm still on the couch with head in hands.

9:55 - Sweetie successfully bottle-feeds Aydrie and puts her to sleep. I pump a lousy 1.5 ounces!

10:04 - I scream "I"M A BAD MOTHER!"

10:05 - Sweetie gives me a hug and wipes away my crocodile tears.

10:10 - Sweetie pulls surprises out of his walmart bag. He creates a candle-light/lava lamp dinner. (while giving me a list of reasons why he knows I'm a good mother)

10:15 - We enjoy our candle-light/lava lamp dinner and then snuggle on the red tomato where I fall asleep in his arms and he watches 'IGOR' - movie from Red Box.

Yah - last night was tough - real tough

But...Do you know what? IT'S ALL WORTH IT- especially when you have a Sweetie like mine that makes all the crying and screaming coming from EVERYBODY go away.

It's all worth it because when you have a Sweetie like mine, life isn't as hard.

When you have a Sweetie like mine, I can keep on, the next day, and the next, and maybe the next day after that...

(Oh... did I mention that Sweetie has a extremely hard test this Friday and he's swimming in stress-land and feeling hopelessly overwhelmed because of it...)

Sweetie's actions last night = Love, TRUE Love!!!


Westons said...

Yes, I think most moms have those tough nights from time to time. It sounds like Brayden is really playing you though (all toddlers do it!) Millie nearly killed me with all her getting out of bed until I cracked down on her. Now she goes down so good (and stays down!) If you're interested check out the book "Healthy Sleeping Habits, Happy Child." It talks about any sleep problem imaginable. It's so great! But in the mean time you may want to take Brayden to the store with you to buy a child lock for his door and you tell him if he gets out of bed then you're not going to look at him or talk to him, (just gently put him back in bed) then you'll put the lock on the knob. You have to follow through exactly how you say or he will know you're not serious. Millie cried for nearly an hour the first time I did it, but from then on she knew I meant it and it has helped so much!!! (The book has other ideas, but that one worked for us.) Good luck.

Corey and Arleen Jensen said...

Hang in there. I still have those days. It was harder when the kids were littler and cried all the time. You are lucky to have a good husband to step in and help out. I don't know what I would have done without Corey. He dried many of tears as well. When things get really ugly, go out and sit on the porch and think of 10 wonderful things, or count to 1,000, or think of nothing, listen to the silence, then go back and try again. Good Luck.

Katie McCaul said...

Oh I am glad you have a great hubby! You are the best mommy...and trust me I know!

Amy said...

I hate those nights! ...but they make us appreciate our wonderful husbands even more :) Thanks for sharing your story. Knowing you, I know you are an amazing mother.

Ruby in the Rough said...

Sometimes I think I'm the only one who is like this. It's nice to know that someone I look up to so much goes through much of the same stuff I do!!

Ruby in the Rough said...

Oh, I lock Liesl in her room all the time. It's for me as well as for her!!