Friday, June 26, 2009

First Attempt

Here's the first attempt at forming Aydrie's not-so-long, but extremely luscious hair into a pig/pony tail:


She's quite the LOOKER...

Little Miss Alfalfa


Westons said...

How cute! You have years of fun hair-styling ahead! Enjoy.

The McCauls said...

Cute, I can't wait tell I have a little girl.. so fun

Ruby in the Rough said...

Yes, UTIs are like that. If her fever goes over 102, take her and get them to test her. The smell can be quite faint.

Blackham Family said...

So Stinkin cute. She is just a doll. Is she feeling better now? Someday maybe we will have another kid and eventually get a girl to do her hair. ha.

Our Family said...


Corey and Arleen Jensen said...

Awesome!!! Always loved it when they finally had enough hair to put it in a pony..... Just saw your mother's Day song... You are truly an ARTIST Cam. That was great entertainment. Hey, thanks for taking the toys.

The Mitchell's said...

She is adorable! And I love the Alfalfa look!! ;) Hope all is going well, getting ready for CEU.. Remember all the good times there!

missy said...

ha ha cute breann!! I made that same cake for Madden when he turned one!!!