Friday, December 5, 2008

Festival of Trees

Last night we went to the Festival of Trees. We have never been before. The traffic was horrible and we had to drive around for a while to find a parking spot. Once we got to the place, we were pretty amazed at all the trees. There were so many! I can't believe how creative some people can get when it comes to Christmas tree decorating. I now have some fun ideas for our next year's tree!

Brayden's favorite part was wiggling the chains that surrounded groups of trees.

You can't see very well from this picture, but these trees were called 'The Rival Trees'. One was decorated for BYU and the other one for U of U.


Amy said...

That looks so fun! A fun way to get into the Christmas spirit. :) We do need to get together. How soon? Maybe during Christmas break??? I know Brian has a lot of time off.

Katie McCaul said...

I have always wanted to go there, but have never made it! Glad you guys had fun. I think the byu and utah trees are so funny.

bandkworky said...

That is so fun. I dragged Brian to the Festival a couple of years ago. He liked the trees but the traffic ruined it for him.

Becky said...

I really wish I could've gone. Some of us just aren't as smart as Cameron and have to study all of the time...make sure to tell him I said that!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Hey Breanne! Your kids are so dang cute! It looks like you guys are doing great, I was excited to find your blog!

Our Family said...

I love the festival of trees. my grandma stubbs used to put in a tree every year until last year she thinks she is to old so this year she made a wreath out of a ox collar thing and put bells and greenary on it and it is selling for 4,000 dollars!! I know crazy.

sandy said...

Looks like lots of fun. Jared's sister took Kaden. I stayed home with Kodie. But they said it was lots of fun. Next year I'll have to go. Your family pictures are so cute. Kim did an awsome job. Your kids are so adorable. So much fun! Well I hope you all have a great christmas and holiday season.